A new CNN poll released on Thursday shows that President Joe Biden continues to have low approval, even among members of his own party.
Only 39% of Americans approve of the job that Vice President Joe Biden is doing, while 67% of Democrats and Democrats who lean Democratic indicated their party should pick someone else. And 58% of respondents said they think Biden’s policies had worsened the economy.
The findings are in line with other surveys conducted recently about Biden’s economic policies. Sixty-three percent of Americans disapproved of Biden’s handling of the economy, according to a poll conducted by the Associated Press and the NORC Centre for Public Affairs Research last month.
Once again, Biden was met with considerable age-related criticism. Seventy-six percent of voters are worried that Biden’s age, 80, will have a detrimental impact on his mental and physical abilities, and seventy-seven percent are worried that he won’t be able to serve out a full term as president if he’s reelected.
With the exception of former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, who had a 49 percent to 43 percent advantage over Biden in hypothetical head-to-head confrontations with GOP candidates in 2024, Biden was statistically equal with all of them.
Trump, the former president, had a little edge over Biden, 47% to 46%. According to a poll published by the Wall Street Journal last week, if the election were held today, both candidates would receive 46% of the vote.
Trump maintained his lead over the other Republican presidential contenders in the same poll. Trump received the support of 52% of Republican and independent voters who lean Republican, while Florida Governor Ron DeSantis received the backing of only 18%. Former VP Mike Pence and Haley came in second with 7 percent, followed by businessman Vivek Ramaswamy with 6 percent.
Between August 25 and 31, SSRS polled 1,503 American adults via a probability-based panel to compile the results of the CNN Poll. The margin of sampling error for the complete sample is 3.5 percentage points.