
Beyond Biden: Democrats Align to Take on Trump Challenge…

Beyond Biden: Democrats Align to Take on Trump Challenge

Joe Biden, the current president, stated on Wednesday that other Democrats can unseat Trump.

“I’m not the only one,” Biden responded to a reporter’s query at the White House. “But I will prevail over him.”

During his campaign four years ago, Biden made the case that he was in a special position to defeat Trump.

“If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running,” Biden told supporters at a fundraising gathering on Tuesday.

He went on to say during the fundraiser, “we cannot let him win,” further cementing his position that Trump’s reelection as president poses an existential threat to the nation. After the fundraiser on Tuesday, he assured reporters that he would not be withdrawing his candidature. “Hey, I gotta get away from here because he’s running.”

This follows a shift in campaign rhetoric towards Trump’s dictatorial instincts. Earlier this week, during a town hall meeting with Sean Hannity of Fox News, Trump reiterated his threat to use his power to exact revenge on his opponents should he be reelected.

“He asks, ‘Are you planning to be a dictator?'” Trump stated. On the first day, I firmly stated, “no, no, no.”

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